The Treasurer is the chief investment officer for the county. The Treasurer’s Office acts much like a bank.
- The Treasurer collects all payments received by the county.
- The receipts are collected in a variety of ways: over the counter by cashiers, through the mail, over the Internet, through other agencies, electronically, in cash or by check and then deposited into the county’s accounts.
- The Treasurer keeps track of the balances of transactions and balances daily with the Auditor.
- She manages $38 million in revenue monthly with increases during peak tax collection periods.
- The County’s daily investment portfolio averages over $110 million.
- Cash flow is managed on a daily basis and investments are made to ensure funds are available to meet the needs of the county.
- Eligible investments include: government backed securities, collateralized certificate of deposits and other safe instruments as provided for in Chapter 135 of the Ohio Revised Code. Safety, liquidity and earning a market rate of return on the county’s money are primary responsibilities of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer accepts tax payments. The Treasurer does not determine who will pay taxes.
- The Treasurer provides real estate and manufactured home tax bills to taxpayers.
- The collection period for Real Estate and Manufactured Home taxes takes place twice a year.
- Taxpayers who do not pay their taxes in a timely manner are charged interest and penalties.
- Taxpayers may contest a late-payment penalty by filing an Application for the Remission of Real Property and Manufactured Home Late Payment Penalties.
- The names of taxpayers who are certified delinquent will be published in the newspaper as required by law by the County Auditor.
- Taxpayers who have delinquent property taxes may be subject to foreclosure.
- The Treasurer’s Office offers several payment plan options to help taxpayers meet their tax obligations.